Private Lessons
Late Payments
Inclement Weather
Private Lessons
Tuition is the same every month regardless of the holidays or number of days in the month because it is averaged based on a 48-week school year. (30-minute lessons – $112.00 per month; 45-minute lessons – $168.00 per month; 60-minute lessons – $224.00 per month)
Continuing students must re-register every August for new school year (Sept. – Aug.) Their current day and time slot is secure until August 15th. On August 16th the time slot becomes available to other registered students.
New registrations will be processed in the order received to schedule the lesson time. Students will be contacted by email to confirm registration and schedule lesson time
The first month’s tuition is paid in advance at time of registration. We require payment one month in advance by the 15th of that month.
After you register you have 3 options of payment:
1) Shelby/Giving – You may manually pay monthly or schedule recurring monthly payments
2) Cash (exact amount only) – Give it to the teacher before the 15th
3) Check – Write the check out to The Shepherds Church and give it to the teacher before the 15th.
Non-payment by the 1st of the month will halt lessons until full payment is made and the timeslot in the teacher’s schedule becomes available to other students.
Late Payments
The monthly tuition payment is due by the 15th of the previous month (ex. October tuition is due by September 15th) A payment reminder with a payment link is sent before the 15th of each month.
Any payment received after the due date is marked as late and an overdue notice is emailed requesting payment ASAP.
If the late payment is not received by the 1st of the following month (15 days overdue), lessons will be withheld, and the time slot becomes available to other registered students until payment is made.
If the late payment is not received by the 15th of the next month (30 days overdue), it is an automatic withdrawal from lessons.
Repeated overdue payments
After the second overdue occurrence, the status as a registered student will be considered delinquent and setting up automatic payments will be strongly recommended.
The third overdue occurrence will be considered an automatic immediate withdrawal at the end of the month from Carolina School of Music
A new registration will be accepted only if automatic payments are established.
A prior 30-day notification of withdrawal must be sent by email to
This is the only way to officially withdraw and not be charged. No exceptions.
A refund will be issued if we are unable to schedule a mutually agreeable time.
A refund may be issued at the time of withdrawal for any tuition paid beyond the 30-day withdrawal notification.
No make-ups are given for absences. Lessons are re-scheduled for the following situations only:
Teacher absences – (beyond their vacation week)
Inclement weather – (the school is closed when the church office is closed – NOT associated with Wake County School System closings)
If the lesson falls on any of these holidays: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day (the lesson must be re-scheduled with-in the same week if at all possible)
Extreme situations such as a death or hospitalization in the immediate family or a medical condition of the student requiring the care of a physician. An email notification must be sent ASAP to
NOTE: A teacher may offer to reschedule a missed lesson, but it must be within the same week only if they have availability in their schedule.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, the teachers will contact their students. You may also check our website ( for weather instructions.
Weather closure decisions will not necessarily coincide with the Wake Co. Schools.
All instructors have had a background check.
All lesson rooms have security cameras and unblocked windows for lesson observation.